by Hongyu Wang | Aug 4, 2018 | 留学
GIC简介 Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) 中文叫学签投资担保证明。银行业俗称的GIC,是指加拿大投资,在固定的时间内提供明确回报率,由信托公司或银行发行。风险低,收益低的投资形式。 加拿大的金融机构出具的GIC,取代以往复杂的留学资金文件。留学生仅需购买1万加元即可。相比之前的留学资金证明,GIC可以减轻留学生和父母负担,还可以增加签证成功率。1万加元存在加拿大银行,学生抵达加拿大读书后,银行每月定额返还学生。 如果学签被拒,可到银行办理全额退款。 在哪里买?...
by Hongyu Wang | Jun 25, 2017 | 留学
Some parents choose to send children to study in Canada as international students because the hardship is much less than in some Asian countries such as China and Korea. Suggestion is to plan early. Do not wait until the child is in Grade 12. This is especially true...