Who can apply for a post-graduation work permit? 请毕业后工的要求

Toget a post-graduation work permit, you must:


  • be 18 or older when you apply
  • 申请时年满18岁
  • have     continuously studied full-time in Canada in a study     program at least eight months long
  • 已经在加拿大8个月及以上的全日制学习课程持续的学习
  • have a     document from your school (transcript, official letter, certificate, etc.)     that confirms you completed and passed all your program requirements
  • 毕业证明文件(成绩单、官方信函、证书等)确认您已经完成学习并通过了课程要求
  • have     graduated from a: 毕业于
    • public post-secondary school, such as a college, trade/technical school or      university, or CEGEP in Quebec or
    • 公立大专以上学校包括专科学院、技术学校、大学以及魁省的CEGEP
    • private  post-secondary school that operates under the same rules as public schools (currently applies only to certain private post-secondary institutions in Quebec) or
    • 如果在私立大专以上学校,该私立学校应该和公立学校的运作规则一致(目前只针对魁省一些私立学校)
    • private secondary or post-secondary school (in Quebec) that offers qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer, leading to a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP)   or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP) or
    • 魁省私立的高中或大专学校,提供900学时或更长的课程,学习后获得DEP或ASP的职业专业证明
    • Canadian private school that can legally award degrees under provincial law (for      example, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree) but only if you are enrolled in a study programs leading to a degree as authorized by the  province
    • 加拿大私立学校可以按照省法律授予学位的(学士、士或博士
  • apply for a work permit within 90 days of when it was confirmed that you completed your program and
  • 在毕业后90天内申请,并且
  • have a  valid study permit when you apply for the work permit.
  • 申请工签时持有效的学习许可

You aren’t eligible to apply for a PGWP if you:


  • studied     in a program that was less than eight months long
  • 学习课程时间少于8个月
  • studied  for more than eight months but not continuously (for example, you took a     semester off)
  • 虽然学习时间长于8个月但是并非持续学习(例如中间请假一学期)
  • took part in a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program funded by Global     Affairs Canada (GAC)
  • 参与了加拿大联邦奖学金(GAC)项目
  • took     part in a Government of Canada Awards Program funded by GAC
  • 参与了GAC资助的加拿大政府奖学金项目
  • had funding from GAC
  • 从GAC获得资助
  • took part in the Equal Opportunity Scholarship, Canada-Chile
  • 参与了加拿大-智利政府间“平等机会奖学金”
  • took   part in the Canada-China Scholars Exchanges Program
  • 参与了加拿大-中国学术交流项目
  • took  part in the Organization of American States Fellowships Program
  • 参与了美洲国家组织奖学金项目
  • completed   a study program by distance learning either from abroad or from within     Canada or
  • 在加拿大或海外以远程学习的方式完成了学习课程
  • already  had a post-graduation work permit following any other program of study.
  • 曾经通过任何其他学习课程取得过毕业后工签