AP是Advanced Placement的缩写,也可以叫做大学预修课程,它给高中有能力的学生提供一个预先修完大学一年级学分的机会。它有美国College Board 赞助和认可,AP考试成绩受美国及加拿大的各大学认可。AP课程难度比普通高中课程要难,但达没达到大学一年级水平还有待考订,因为也有的大学并不认可3分及以下的AP成绩(5分满分)。



AP 课程共有7大类,共37门课。

1.     APCapstone Diploma Program

·       AP Research

·       APSeminar

2.     艺术类(Arts):

·       AP2-D Art and Design

·       Ap3-D Art and Design

·       APDrawing

·       APArt History

·       APMusic Theory

3.     英语类(English):

·       AP English Language and Composition

·       AP English Literature and Composition

4.     历史与社会科学(History and Social Science):

·       AP Comparative Government and Politics

·       AP European History·       AP Human Geography

·       AP Macroeconomics

·       AP Microeconomics

·       AP Psychology

·       AP United States Government and Politics

·       AP United States History

·       AP World History: Modern

5.     数学与计算机科学(Math and Computer Science):

·       AP Calculus AB

·       AP Calculus BC

·       AP Computer Science A

·       AP Computer Science Principles

·        APStatistics

6.     自然科学类(Science):

·       AP Biology

·       AP Chemistry

·       AP Environmental Science

·       AP Physics, 1: Algebra-Based

·       AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based

·       AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

·       AP Physics C: Mechanics

7.     世界语言及文化类(AP World Languages and Cultures):

·       AP Chinese Language and Culture

·       AP French Language and Culture

·        AP GermanLanguage and Culture

·       AP Italian Language and Culture

·       AP Japanese Language and Culture

·       AP Latin

·       AP Spanish Language and Culture

·       AP Spanish Literature and Culture

AP考试是每年11月报名,次年5月考试,考试费用按所在国家不同而不同。若在美国加拿大的话,考试费用是95美元; 在美国或加拿大之外的为125美元。参加AP Capstone 的考试费用是143 美元 (2020年)。考试费用每年都会增加。考试时间为2-3小时。
AP 考试成绩分5个等级,跨度比较大,100的话拿到91分就是满分5分。

AP Exam ScoreRecommendationCollege Course Grade EquivalentScore range
5Extremely well QualifiedA+ or A91 and above
4Very well qualifiedA-, B+ or B70-90
3QualifiedB-, C+ or C57-69
2Possibly qualified——
1No recommendation——


