


If you plan to visit for six months or less: 如果计划访问加拿大时间小于6个月

You generally do not require a medical exam, unless you plan to work in certain jobs. 一般不需要体检,除非访问期间从事与公共卫生相关的工作(化验室、护士、小学老师、化妆品相关等)。

If you plan to visit for more than six months: 如果计划访问加拿大时间大于6个月
You will need a medical exam if you:如下条件需要体检

  • 进入加拿大之前的一年内在指定国家连续居住6个月或以上的
  • have lived temporarily for six or more months in a row
    • in one or more of designated countries or territories
    • in the one year immediately before the date you want to enter Canada. (This applies even if you are a citizen of a country that does not need a visa to enter Canada.) or
  • 或来加拿大的工作为与公共健康相关,公共健康必须得到保护的情况。
  • will come to Canada to work in a job in which public health must be protected.
  • 或申请父母或祖父母超级签证
  • apply for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.


If you do need a medical exam, the visa office will tell you what to do next.
