
2017年下半年,曼省移民办公室对移民政策进行了修改。最实质的影响是,以前通过收押金的方式来约束客户投资。新的政策停止一步到位的枫叶卡,而用先拿工作签证的方式来约束客户确保其进行投资:申请人到曼省投资,投资达到要求后曼省移民办公室予以提名。 很多人对此非常失望,因为不再能一步到位拿枫叶卡。事实上,友嘉移民经过对形势的分析,认为未来一两年恰好是一个很好的窗口期。...


Who can apply for a post-graduation work permit? 申请毕业后工签的要求 Toget a post-graduation work permit, you must: 您必须满足下面条件: be 18 or older when you apply 申请时年满18岁 have     continuously studied full-time in Canada in a study     program at least eight months long...


1. 生效时间:2018年1月 2. 类别:被放在海外技术工人的类别下(Skilled Workers Overseas) 3. 目标人群:拥有高级人力资本,(a)与曼省紧缺职业相关的技术、培训及工作经验【注意:不要求曼省省内的】;(b)在曼省有较强的家庭关联【亲友担保;或者在某个省提名项目上收到邀请申请LAA】 4. 2018年1月面向具有2个条件的人开放,(a)符合曼省技术移民任意其他一个渠道的条件【见后文分析】;(b)符合联邦EE的条件且已经在联邦EE的池子里供挑选。 5. 最低要求: 1)   ...


2017年在零下36度的温尼伯向我们挥别。再过一天,2018就要来临。 值此新年来临之际,友嘉移民祝福世界和平、人类吉祥。祝各位新老朋友新年进步,万事如意,都有一个繁花似锦的2018年!    ...

Another reason for immigration to Canada?

Recently a piece of news regarding the admission of international students by Tsinghua University in China is being rapidly spread in WeChat Moments among Chinese people. The news claimed that a student holding Canadian PR status can be admitted to Tsinghua University...

Canada is a great country for immigration

There are many great countries for immigration. For the last 2 centuries, the United States has been the best choice for nearly all the immigrants. However, things change rapidly. Today, Canada becomes even more attractive than the US. It is not because of Donald...