Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC)

GIC Introduction

Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) is a type of investment in Canada that offers a fixed return rate over a specific period of time, issued by trust companies or banks. It is a low-risk, low-return investment option.

Canadian financial institutions issue GICs, simplifying the previously complex financial documentation required for study permits. International students need to purchase a GIC of 10,000 Canadian dollars or more. Compared to previous financial proof requirements for study permits, GICs reduce the financial burden on students and their parents and can increase the visa approval rate. The 10,000 Canadian dollars are held in a Canadian bank, and the bank refunds a fixed amount to the student each month after their arrival in Canada to support their living expenses.

In case the study permit is denied, a full refund can be obtained from the bank.

  • Where to purchase?

Baidu: 加拿大留学GIC; or Google: Student GIC Canada, GIC products are available at most banks.

  • When to purchase?

Firstly, you need to apply and secure admission to your desired school, receive a conditional offer, pay one year's tuition fee, and obtain the tuition fee receipt along with the official offer letter. Then, prepare the personal and financial documents required for the study permit application. At this point, you can contact a bank to purchase a GIC. After that, undergo the required medical examination for the study permit and submit your application with all the necessary documents.

Note: The purchase process typically takes about 10 business days. You will need to bring your passport, identification card, conditional offer letter, and language proficiency scores (optional) when you go to make the purchase.

  • Student Partner Program

Student Partner Program is a simplified study permit application process offered in cooperation with the Association of Canadian Community Colleges for students planning to study at SPP member schools. Students receive a Letter of Acceptance from a qualifying SPP-affiliated Canadian institution, language proficiency certification, and proof of funds (a $10,000 CAD Guaranteed Investment Certificate, or GIC).

  • Post-secondary Program

Post-secondary Program is a simplified application process provided for students applying to any eligible Canadian post-secondary institution who have obtained a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) for $10,000 CAD, along with an acceptance letter from a designated Canadian higher education institution and completed a medical examination.

  • Student Direct Program

Student Direct Program is a simplified study permit application process provided for students with strong English language skills (IELTS 6 or above) who plan to directly enroll in eligible Canadian colleges or universities for their studies. Students obtain an acceptance letter from the Canadian college/university, submit language proficiency certification, proof of funds (a $10,000 CAD Guaranteed Investment Certificate or GIC), and undergo a medical examination.

  • Primary and Secondary Program

Application for Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools. Students receive an acceptance letter from Canadian elementary/secondary schools, provide proof of funds (a $10,000 CAD Guaranteed Investment Certificate or GIC), and undergo a medical examination.

  • Regular Student Program

If students do not wish to purchase a $10,000 CAD GIC and have an IELTS score below 6, they can opt for the Regular Student Program. The required documents for this program are generally similar to those for the previous application and include:

Passport, Passport-sized photos, Identification card, Application fees, Medical examination form, Study plan, Academic transcripts, Graduation certificates, Household registration, Guardian's notarized statement (for those under 18), Letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning, Institution (DLI), Police clearance certificate, Proof of funds of at least $10,000 CAD for the past year, Property deed, Vehicle registration certificate, and Parent's income statement.

Official website for Student Direct Stream (SDS)

The questions of entering and exiting Canada with a study permit









  1. 毕业后工签
  2. 雇主信,确认已经工作6个月;
  3. Job offer:公司信头纸,明确工作岗位,工资,由公司老板签署


  1. 出生证明公证
  2. 护照(照片与签名页,所有签证及标注页)
  3. 结婚证(公证或翻译)
  4. 依亲子女出生证明公证
  5. 依亲子女护照


  1. 哪所学校,什么专业,学习期间,教学语言(英语还是法语,还是其他语种)
  2. 毕业证书;学位证书;高中及大学的成绩单
  3. 如在加拿大境外接受教育,证书、成绩单等需要翻译为英语


  1. 工作证明信(曼省要求过去5年;实际申请联邦时,可能需要过去10年)
  2. 公司信头纸,由公司代表签署(负责人,人事经理等);包含签署人的联系方法
  3. 包含工作起止日期;详细的工作职位与职责描述;在该岗位的薪水
  4. 如文件为其他语言,需翻译为英语
  5. 如过去的工作为自雇性质,提供公司注册文件,营业执照,历年税务记录,公司经营记录如工作合同等



















If you plan to visit for six months or less: 如果计划访问加拿大时间小于6个月

You generally do not require a medical exam, unless you plan to work in certain jobs. 一般不需要体检,除非访问期间从事与公共卫生相关的工作(化验室、护士、小学老师、化妆品相关等)。

If you plan to visit for more than six months: 如果计划访问加拿大时间大于6个月
You will need a medical exam if you:如下条件需要体检

  • 进入加拿大之前的一年内在指定国家连续居住6个月或以上的
  • have lived temporarily for six or more months in a row
    • in one or more of designated countries or territories
    • in the one year immediately before the date you want to enter Canada. (This applies even if you are a citizen of a country that does not need a visa to enter Canada.) or
  • 或来加拿大的工作为与公共健康相关,公共健康必须得到保护的情况。
  • will come to Canada to work in a job in which public health must be protected.
  • 或申请父母或祖父母超级签证
  • apply for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.


If you do need a medical exam, the visa office will tell you what to do next.

更详细内容,请参见加拿大移民部官网。click here for more information


Draw #47 – July 6, 2018


  • 发出邀请信: 104
  • 受邀申请人最低分数: 564


  • 发出邀请信: 217 封,受邀申请人具备下列“曼省连接”
    • 近亲属居住在曼省或本人曾有曼省教育或工作经验;
    • 在曼省紧缺职业的工作岗位上工作满6个月
    • 语言CLB5;(受监管“持牌”工作CLB7;持证工种CLB6)
  • 受邀申请人最低分数: 572

海外技术工人 – 快速通道(EE)

  • 发出邀请信: 202封
  • 受邀申请人最低分数: 519









Your employer must be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Manitoba.

Your employer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the MPNP that they are an established business with an ability to offer you full-time and long-term employment in Manitoba.



Your Employer has a registered commercial business that has been operating in MB for at least the three years immediately preceding the application;



农历大年初一,加拿大不放假。友嘉移民顾问Max Wang(右一)和路易瑞尔教育局国际学生部部分教育局官员一起欢庆新春佳节。
